Cyber Security 101

Cyber Security 101

Cyber Security 101

Looking to improve your cyber security knowledge? This post is the perfect starting point.

What is Cyber Security?

Cyber security is the protection of information and data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification or destruction. In other words, it’s the practice of keeping your information secure online. As you can imagine, this is a very important issue that affects everyone who uses any kind of technology (which means almost everyone).

The Importance of Cyber Security

The importance of cyber security is not a new concept, but it’s still something that many people don’t take seriously. The financial impact of cybercrime is enormous and growing–it’s predicted to cost $8 trillion annually by 2021. And while some businesses have taken steps to protect themselves against hackers and other threats, many others haven’t done enough or even anything at all.
The same goes for individuals: most people don’t know how much they could be vulnerable if their information were stolen or leaked online. In fact, according to one study from earlier this year, about half of Americans think their personal information is less secure than it was five years ago!

Data Security

Data security is an important aspect of cyber security. Data can be defined as any information that you want to keep private, such as your bank account details or social media passwords. You should always ensure that your data is secure by using strong passwords and changing them regularly, using anti-virus software on all devices connected to the internet (including smartphones), backing up important files regularly and storing them offline in case they are deleted and corrupted by an attack on your network.

The Role of Government in Cyber Security

The role of government in cyber security is a complex one. On one hand, governments around the world have been working to develop regulations and compliance requirements for businesses that deal with sensitive information or operate critical infrastructure. On the other hand, there are some who feel that these regulations are too burdensome and may actually hinder innovation and growth within those industries.
In addition to these regulatory efforts by individual governments, there have been several international initiatives aimed at improving cyber security across borders. These include: * The G20 Cyber Expert Working Group on Enhancing Cyber Resilience (G20 CYBER), which was created in 2017 by 19 countries including Canada, France, Germany and Japan; * The International Telecommunication Union’s (ITU) Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development (BCSD); * And finally The United Nations Group of Governmental Experts on Developments in the Field of Information Security (UN GGE).

Cyber Security Careers

There are many different career paths in cyber security, and the field is growing rapidly. Here are some of the most common job titles:

  • Security Analyst – Security analysts are responsible for monitoring networks and systems for security breaches and investigating any incidents that occur. They also develop and implement security solutions to prevent future breaches.
  • Ethical Hacker – Ethical hackers are employed to test the security of an organization’s systems by attempting to break in and identify vulnerabilities. They then report their findings to the organization so that any necessary fixes can be made.
  • Penetration Tester – Penetration testers are similar to ethical hackers in that they attempt to identify vulnerabilities in an organization’s systems. However, they typically work with the organization to develop and implement fixes for any vulnerabilities that are discovered.
  • Information Security Manager – Information security managers are responsible for developing and implementing an organization’s overall security strategy, as well as managing security staff and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and standards.
  • Cyber Security Consultant – Cyber security consultants work with organizations to develop and implement security solutions that are tailored to their specific needs. They may also conduct security assessments and provide recommendations for improving security practices.

The average salary for an Information Security Manager is $158,000 per year; however, this number varies depending on location and experience level.

Cyber Security Education

Cybersecurity education is the best way to ensure you’re prepared for a career in this field. The types of degrees offered include:

  • Bachelor’s degree in information technology (IT) or computer science
  • Master’s degree in IT or computer science
  • Doctorate in information systems

Industry Courses and Certifications like:

  • CompTIA – Offers various certifications in cyber security, including Security+, CySA+, and PenTest+.
  • EC-Council – Offers various certifications in cyber security, including Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) and Certified Incident Handler (CIH).
  • Offensive Security – Provides online courses and certifications in ethical hacking and penetration testing.

Cyber Security Tools

There are a variety of tools available that can help safeguard your data and protect you from potential cyber threats. For example, firewalls act as either hardware or software programs that prevent unauthorized access to your computer. Intrusion detection systems (IDS) constantly monitor network traffic and provide alerts when any suspicious activity is detected. Another useful tool is encryption, which scrambles data so it can only be accessed by authorized users with the appropriate key.

Cyber Security Best Practices

  • Use strong and unique passwords for all accounts, and enable two-factor authentication when possible.
  • Keep software, operating systems, and devices up to date with the latest security patches.
  • Be cautious of unsolicited emails and attachments, and do not click on suspicious links.
  • Use a firewall to block unauthorized access to your devices and networks.
  • Regularly back up important data to an offsite location.
  • Limit access to sensitive data to only those who need it, and implement role-based access controls.
  • Train employees on cyber security best practices and conduct regular security awareness training.
  • Conduct regular security risk assessments to identify vulnerabilities and address them.
  • Have an incident response plan in place in case of a security breach, and practice it regularly.
  • Stay up to date with the latest threats and trends in cyber security and adapt your practices accordingly.

Cyber Security Trends

Cyber security is constantly evolving. As new technologies are developed and implemented, the threat landscape changes and the need for cyber security professionals grows. Here are three key trends to keep an eye on:

  1. Emerging Cyber Security Technologies – As cyber threats become more advanced, new technologies are emerging to help protect against them. For example, blockchain technology is being used to secure data and prevent unauthorized access, while machine learning is being used to detect and respond to threats in real-time.
  2. The Rise of AI in Cyber Security – Artificial intelligence is increasingly being used in cyber security to help identify and respond to threats. AI can analyze large amounts of data and identify patterns that might be missed by humans, allowing for faster and more accurate threat detection and response.
  3. Cloud Security – As more organizations move their data and applications to the cloud, ensuring the security of these systems becomes increasingly important. Cloud providers are developing new tools and technologies to help organizations protect their data and applications in the cloud, such as encryption and multi-factor authentication.


The need for constant vigilance is the most important lesson to take away from this guide. As we’ve seen, cyber security threats are constantly evolving and changing–and they can affect anyone at any time. To keep your data and devices secure, there are numerous tools you can use. Firewalls, whether in the form of hardware or software, block unauthorized access to your computer. Intrusion detection systems (IDS) monitor network traffic and send alerts when suspicious activity is detected. Encryption is also valuable, as it scrambles data and requires authorized users to have a key for access. By leveraging these tools, you can better protect your information from cyber threats.

While there are many ways you can protect yourself from these threats, one thing remains true: you must be proactive in keeping yourself safe online. This means being aware of potential risks in your day-to-day life, as well as regularly updating software on your devices (including phones, laptops and tablets) so that they’re always up-to-date with the latest security patches available.

It also means being cautious about what information you share online–whether it’s through social media or emailing sensitive documents back and forth with colleagues at work–and making sure not to click on suspicious links sent via email or text message (if someone sends an unsolicited link asking to click or respond).

For the latest information and news on cyber security we recommend you check our Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) website, it provides a wealth of information on cybersecurity, including the latest threats and vulnerabilities, advice and guidance for businesses and individuals, and updates on the ACSC’s activities and initiatives.

Protect your business and customer data with confidence. Our expert cybersecurity solutions offer comprehensive protection against the latest cyber threats. Contact us today to learn more and secure your business from potential harm.

Cybersecurity for Business: Importance & Threat Protection in 2023

Cyber Security

Why Cyber Security?

As businesses continue to rely more and more on digital technology and online platforms, cybersecurity has become a critical issue. The threats of cyber attacks, data breaches, and other security incidents are real and can have serious consequences for companies of all sizes.

In this article, we’ll explore the importance of cybersecurity for businesses and provide some tips and best practices for protecting your company from cyber threats.

1. The Risks of Cyber Threats

Cyber threats come in many forms, including hacking, phishing, malware, and ransomware. These threats can lead to data breaches, theft of sensitive information, financial losses, reputational damage, and even legal liabilities. Small businesses are often especially vulnerable, as they may lack the resources or expertise to fully protect themselves from these threats.

2. The Cost of Cybersecurity Incidents

The cost of cybersecurity incidents can be significant, both in terms of direct financial losses and reputational damage. According to a study by IBM, the average cost of a data breach in 2020 was $3.86 million. This includes costs such as legal fees, regulatory fines, and lost revenue due to downtime or lost business. In addition, a cybersecurity incident can damage a company’s reputation and erode customer trust, which can be difficult to recover from.

3. Best Practices for Cybersecurity

To protect your business from cyber threats, there are several best practices you can follow:

a. Conduct a risk assessment: Identify your company’s potential vulnerabilities and risks, and develop a plan to address them.

b. Educate employees: Train your employees on cybersecurity best practices, such as strong passwords, phishing awareness, and safe browsing habits.

c. Use strong passwords and two-factor authentication: Require employees to use strong, unique passwords, and implement two-factor authentication for added security.

d. Keep software up-to-date: Make sure your operating systems, software, and antivirus programs are updated regularly to protect against known vulnerabilities.

e. Limit access to sensitive information: Restrict access to sensitive information to only those who need it, and implement controls such as encryption and data backup.

4. Cybersecurity Services for Businesses

There are many cybersecurity services available for businesses, including:

a. Managed security services: Outsourcing your cybersecurity needs to a third-party provider can provide added expertise and protection.

b. Cybersecurity training: Training programs can help educate your employees on cybersecurity best practices and increase awareness of potential threats.

c. Penetration testing: Conducting a penetration test can help identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your company’s security systems.

d. Incident response planning: Developing a plan for responding to cybersecurity incidents can help minimize the impact of an incident and reduce downtime.

In conclusion, cybersecurity is a critical issue for businesses of all sizes. By understanding the risks and costs of cyber threats, following best practices for cybersecurity, and utilizing cybersecurity services, businesses can protect themselves and their customers from potential harm. Remember, investing in cybersecurity is an investment in the long-term success and security of your business.

Cyber security threats are constantly evolving and changing–and they can affect anyone at any time.
While there are many ways you can protect yourself from these threats, one thing remains true: you must be proactive in keeping yourself safe online. This means being aware of potential risks in your day-to-day life, as well as regularly updating software on your devices (including phones, laptops and tablets) so that they’re always up-to-date with the latest security patches available.

For the latest information and news on cyber security we recommend you check our Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) website, it provides a wealth of information on cybersecurity, including the latest threats and vulnerabilities, advice and guidance for businesses and individuals, and updates on the ACSC’s activities and initiatives.

Protect your business and customer data with confidence. Our expert cybersecurity solutions offer comprehensive protection against the latest cyber threats. Contact us today to learn more and secure your business from potential harm.

Explain ChatGPT To A Primary School Student


My 7-year-old asked me what chatGPT?

Hmmm, Good question but how do you answer this to a 7-year-old child? In my mind, I decided let’s ask ChatGPT.

I powered on my laptop and quickly opened the URL: (goodbye Google.., for years I used google but now after using chatGPT for a few days, I can’t imagine going back to Google search engine)

In the interface, I typed “Explain ChatGPT to a child”, and very quickly I received the response:

“ChatGPT is a talking computer that can help you with things you need to know, like answering questions or having a chat with you. It’s really smart because it has learned a lot of things and can talk to you like a real person. It’s like having a friendly robot friend to help you out!”

Then my little girl curiously asked me, What can chatGPT do?

Again I asked Chatgpt to answer the question, and the reply from Chatgpt was:

“Hello! ChatGPT is like a smart robot that can talk with people and answer their questions. It can help you learn new things about the world, play games with you, and even help you with your homework or school projects. It’s kind of like having a really smart friend to talk to whenever you want!”

Very impressive answer. I read the answer to my daughter and she was listening with amazement, joy, and curiosity in her eyes.

Then my little girl asked: Is chatGPT a real robot ?

I decided to use Chatgpt to find the answers to my little girl’s question, so I typed her exact question in the chat box and instantly I got the reply:

“ChatGPT is not a physical robot like the robots that you might see in movies or on TV. It is a special computer program that uses artificial intelligence to talk and have conversations with people. So even though ChatGPT is not a real robot, it can still be a lot of fun to talk to and learn new things from!”

I read the response to my daughter and she was giggling and asked can ChatGPT read me a story?

And the response from chatGPT was: “Sure! ChatGPT is really good at reading stories! It can read all sorts of stories, from fairy tales to adventure stories, and even stories about animals or space. You can ask ChatGPT to read a story to you, and it will do its best to read it out loud. Just tell ChatGPT what kind of story you would like to hear, and it will try to find the perfect one for you.”

I read the response back to my daughter and instantly she wanted to chatGPT to read out a story.

ChatGPT – Rise of AI

While explaining the chatGPT to my child I was amazed and at the same time a little bit scared by the Rise of Artificial Intelligence. ChatGPT is already simplifying complex tasks and making a great impact in people’s life, Student can use it for doing assignments, Programmers can use it to create application codes, businesses can use it for marketing, emails/ creating legal letters/contracts,s and long lists of activities. But with the rise of AI, what impact it will have on human jobs? If AI will do everything what will humans do?

How chatGPT started

Chat GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a language model created by OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research laboratory. Chat GPT was introduced in 2018, and it is a type of deep learning model that is specifically designed for natural language processing.

The development of Chat GPT started with the creation of a simpler model called GPT-1. This model was trained on a massive dataset of text from the internet and was designed to predict the next word in a sentence. The success of GPT-1 led to the development of a more complex model, GPT-2, which had a greater number of parameters and was able to generate more coherent text.

GPT-2 was notable for its ability to generate text that was very difficult to distinguish from text written by a human. It was capable of writing long-form articles, poetry, and even fiction. However, GPT-2 was not publicly released due to concerns about the potential misuse of the model for generating fake news or propaganda.

Despite this, OpenAI continued to develop the GPT series of models and released GPT-3 in 2020. GPT-3 has a whopping 175 billion parameters, making it the largest language model to date. It is capable of generating even more coherent and human-like text than its predecessors.

The training process for GPT-3 involved feeding it an enormous amount of text data from the internet, including books, websites, and other sources. This allowed the model to learn the nuances of human language and develop a deep understanding of the structure and meaning of text.

The release of GPT-3 has opened up new possibilities for natural language processing and has generated a lot of excitement in the AI community. It has demonstrated the potential for AI to generate creative and original content and has shown that language models can be used in a wide range of applications, from chatbots to content generation.

The development of Chat GPT and the GPT series of models represents a significant milestone in the field of artificial intelligence. These models are capable of generating text that is almost indistinguishable from that written by humans, and they have opened up new possibilities for natural language processing and content generation.

Here are some of the key features of ChatGPT:

  1. Natural Language Processing: ChatGPT is specifically designed to understand and process natural language. It can generate human-like text, understand the meaning behind sentences, and respond to questions and statements in a way that is similar to how a human would.
  2. Large-scale Language Model: ChatGPT is a large-scale language model that has been trained on vast amounts of text data. This allows it to generate responses that are coherent and relevant to the input it receives.
  3. Open-domain Conversational Model: ChatGPT is an open-domain conversational model, which means that it can respond to a wide range of topics and questions. It can engage in a conversation on a variety of topics, from sports to politics to entertainment.
  4. Deep Learning: ChatGPT is based on deep learning, which is a subset of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to learn from data. This allows it to continually improve its responses based on the data it is trained on.
  5. Transfer Learning: ChatGPT uses transfer learning, which means that it can be trained on one task and then applied to another task. This allows it to be used in a wide range of applications, from chatbots to content generation.
  6. Customizability: ChatGPT can be fine-tuned and customized for specific applications. This means that it can be trained to generate text that is specific to a particular industry or subject area.

Overall, ChatGPT is a powerful language model that is capable of generating coherent and relevant responses to a wide range of topics and questions. Its deep learning and transfer learning capabilities make it a versatile tool for a variety of applications.

ChatGPT is a real revolution and it will have very deep impacts on all aspects of our daily lives. At Canvas ICT we are already using chatGPT for almost all aspects of our business tasks and it has significantly increased our team’s efficiency. If you want to find out how your business or enterprise can use AI to boost your productivity please reach out to us, our team would love to help you transition to the AI-based workforce.

Disclaimer: The majority of the content in this post is generated by chatGPT. Please use the comments section below to share your experience and concerns related to chatGPT and the rise of AI in our life.